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Adding new members to the network and assocaited analyses.

When adding a new ligand/receptor mediated pathway, you will need to update the following files at a minimum: networkXXX.sif

  • add the ligand (GENE1) and receptor (GENE2), as well as any downfield node that the latter controls (GENE3) GENE1 up-regulates GENE2 GENE2 up-regulates GENE3


  • add receptor GENE2


  • add receptor/ligand pair GENE2: [GENE1]


  • Use Alpha numerical characters only! (PLCB, not PLCβ)
  • Only use GENE name, not protein name (G proteins are named as complexes right now, e.g. Gai, but need to figure this out later).
  • When adding nodes, one of the intermediaries needs to connect to a preexisting part of the network
  • search for names that are already in the list (such as CXCR4) to ensure you’re not adding duplicate entries
  • Be very careful about the order (CXCR4 upreg Gai, not Gai upreg CXCR4)
  • Double check pathways you’ve added in cytoscape to make sure they’re consistent with KEGG, etc
  • Make sure all entries are connected to a preexisting node in the network